This logo trys to enforce that reel farms main priority is the making and production of films. The clever design of the logo enforces this idea, the film reel as the wheels of the tractor shows how that making films is the companies main drive also having the film reel as the wheels shows making films keeps the company moving forward its the main driving force of moving Reel farm forward. The old film tear filter over the top of the logo shows the idea of Reel farm being reliable. The idea that they have been making films for so long, associates them with being quality as they've been doing this for so long so they have to make good films. The tractor may also represent the idea that films are fresh just like the tractor collects fresh veg and
fruit of a farm.
Spyglasses logo creates the sense that there films will take you on and adventures and allow you to go places that only they could take you on. The idea of the spyglass, is that watching one of our films is like looking through a spyglass that allows you to go to all these different places. The word entertainment is in capital letters, this shows that entertaining people with there movies is a main priority also the single silhouette of the man standing by the ocean shows that maybe SpyGlass films are soothing or that watching our films is as soothing as standing on a beach listening to the ocean crash against the shore. the silhouette of the man also creates a sense of individuality and there films stand out agianst the others.